Celebration video, and Mittsy's claim to Stardom


September the twelfth is a very special day. It is what I am calling my '1st year ig birthday', which means (other than I'm very sad and need a life) I have now officially been an Instagram member for a whole year. To celebrate this momentous occasion, and take advantage of the new video feature, I decided to make a rapid stop frame of all my photos I've posted. Ever. Is it possible to watch 470 photos flash past in 14 seconds without getting a seizure? We'll see.

Anyway, what do birthdays need? Cake. It seemed only fitting to have a baked dream at the beginning of my video. And everybody loves cake, so I decided to put one at the end as well. One of my favourite Instagram feeds is that of Ariele Alasko, who a little while ago posted a cake with her lovely kitty (Mr C) posing next to it. Ariele's photos and Mr C are on my draft video at the bottom of this page.

I really wanted to include Miss Mittsy in my video, and have her next to a freshly butter creamed sponge with a flag and marshmallows... but is my grumpy little farm cat into the whole film star fantasy, or would she just prefer to sleep in inappropriately chosen places and catch shrews?

Bellow are some test shots of her with some cow parsley. I thought maybe a more fragrant starting point would be more appealing to a delicate, if slightly furry feline nose.